Tuesday, December 14, 2010

25 Days of Christmas - Days #13 & 14

I wondered how long I could make it before missing a post...not too shabby considering my typical "once a month" or so blogging history.

So yesterday my 25 Days of Christmas Event was actually just for me. Last night we had our MOPS Leadership Christmas party. For those of you that are unfamiliar with MOPS, it stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. I am the Coordinator of the brand new group that was started at our church this year. (You can read the post from 8/19 for more info on all of that...)

Last night we got together to share a meal, have a gift exchange and spend some time together without talking about potty training, temper tantrums (our kid's, not our own...although we do have them) and effective discipline strategies. Okay, who am I kidding, we talked about all of those things...but it is the common thread that unites us all so it just naturally happens. And I think the best part about our group - and especially the gals on the leadership team - is that we are honest with each other about our struggles and our areas where we fail. There's never really a sense of "look at what I can do" because we know it's only by God's grace that we manage to survive most days. We love each other because we aren't perfect...not because we are. Just like we love our kids and like God loves us...completely in spite of ourselves. :o)

Today's event was Camden's preschool Christmas program. Ryan, Camden, Alison and I all had breakfast together at IHOP before heading to school for the program. Ryan manned the still camera while I shot the video and Alison just sat and took it all in. Camden did a great job...not with singing, but with waving and blowing kisses to the camera...which was fine with me.

I will try to have the video posted tomorrow. I can't work on it tonight because I am taking my SIX HOUR online defensive driving course to get out of the speeding ticket I got earlier this fall (see the post from 10/17 for a refresher on how that all went down). I'm on my 10 minute break between sessions right now but time is running out and I've got to get back to it. The fun never stops around here!!!

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