Friday, December 3, 2010

25 Days of Christmas - Day #3

Today was kinda low-key...we baked Christmas cookies this afternoon.

Tonight Ryan and I have our Sunday Bible Fellowship party and there is childcare available (at no charge I might add) at the church. It is sooooo nice to be able to leave the kids in a familiar place with teachers who will love on them and care for them while we enjoy a night out with friends...and conversations void of any phrases like, "I am going to give you until the count of three to make a good decision" or "if you do that again we will have to go to the bathroom and have a talk about it" - although I guess part of that also depends on how Ryan behaves this evening.

We decided to show a little appreciation for those that will be serving us tonight in the children's department by baking them some cookies.

Camden loves to "help" me in the kitchen - everything from mixing and pouring to washing dishes - he loves it all. Mostly he just wants to be under my feet while I'm cooking and I've decided letting him help is easier than convincing him to play in another room by himself. Usually he makes more of a mess than is really necessary for the task he's trying to accomplish - we've lost many an egg to "more shell than I want to try to dig out" when I let him crack them - but practice makes perfect and he's loving every minute of it. Hopefully this will still be the case as he grows up and does get to the point where he can do these tasks a little more independently. As for now, I'll just tie his apron on and enjoy the fact that he simply longs to be where I am - even if that is just working in the kitchen.

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