Monday, December 20, 2010

25 Days of Christmas - Day #20

Today Camden, Alison and I worked on a few last gifts for Daddy. I can't tell you much about them here since he'll be reading this as well...but let's just say mixing cement was involved. :o)

Camden and I also spent a little time today going through some of his toys and talking about what we can give to other children that might not be getting any toys for Christmas. I say we spent a little time because we had to stop when I couldn't think of ways to answer his questions. I'm going to throw them out here so perhaps you can help me...

As we discussed that there were kids that might not get any toys for Christmas, he asked me if it was because they hadn't been good and if that was why Santa wasn't coming to see them. And, if they hadn't been good, then why did he need to share with them. I could answer the second one with relatively little stress, but the first one has kinda thrown me for a loop. We're definitely a "Jesus first, Santa second" kind of family and we try not to get caught up in the "you'd better behave, Santa's watching you" kind of stuff - b/c I want him (eventually them) to behave because it's what they should do...all year long...not just when Santa might be looking in on him. But we do celebrate the magic of Santa and we will wake up on Christmas mornings and make the mad dash to the living room to see just how much of the milk and cookies he consumed. So I am at a loss for how to answer the question about the other kids not getting a visit from Santa.

Any suggestions?


Dawna Jones said...

Hi Mandy - Jeffrey & Christopher used to ask us why some kids either received "more" or in some cases "less" than what they did. We told them that sometimes the parents "helped out" Santa with money throughout the year so that he would be able to get them what they wanted & that some parents couldn't afford to do this. You have two lovely children, but I just can't find the RED hair. We love you & Ryan - will always remember our time in PHL. Hope to see you soon!

Maria Tutterow said...

Wow Mandy...what a question! I really like your friend's answer. I wouldn't know what to say!