Thursday, December 9, 2010

25 Days of Christmas - Day #9

Today was a pretty normal day around here. Camden had school from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and Alison and I had an appointment to get her 8 month pictures made. I've only seen them on my dear friend Susie's (the photographer's) camera but I can tell you, they are adorable...yes, I am biased, but you'll agree when you see them. We did several different "poses" with several different props and they look great.

After Alison and I picked Camden up from school, we made our usual stop for Happy Hour at Sonic and then we went to Central Market to pick up a few groceries. By the time that was done, we didn't have much time left in the afternoon before Daddy got home and it was time for dinner, our devotional/scripture memorization time, another reading of "Santa's Favorite Story" and then it was off to dreamland.

I did wrap a few gifts and complete a couple more steps on our homemade gifts, but other than that, it was just a regular 'ol day around here. But sometimes in this season of rush, rush, rush and go, go, is nice to just enjoy an evening together doing nothing but enjoying an evening together.

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