Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bye Bye Baby

We have arrived at the end of the first year...and I don't know whether my reaction is "whew, glad that's over and that we survived it" or "wait? what? I missed it and can I get a do-over?".

I honestly don't know where the time went. Those first few nights home from the hospital when Alison was up all night, crying for apparently no reason at all and then Camden needed my complete attention all day (yeah, forget the "sleep when the baby sleeps" thing if there's a toddler on the loose) I didn't think I was cut out for two kids. I kept repeating to myself, "God never gives you more than you can handle with His help" - but the truth is, I thought perhaps He'd forgotten to keep up His end of the deal with the help!

Slowly, but surely, we got on the routine I so desperately needed and things started to turn around. I thought perhaps I might actually like this new little being that I had once thought was sent to earth to render me exhausted and frustrated for the rest of my life.

Then all of a sudden I turn around and you're babbling, crawling 45 mph, "walking around" holding on to things, signing up a storm (especially "more" when we're eating dessert), giving your brother a run for his money when he wants to wrestle with you, keeping Millie on her toes (and above the 85 lb mark on the scale) laughing, playing, and sleeping like a champ.

My baby is a baby no more.

I firmly believe God gives us children to teach us - how to be better people and more about our relationship with Him. If I've learned anything from you this year, my sweet, precious little girl, it's that I need to slow down and focus on what's important. No longer will I take the "seasons" for granted and get so caught up in the busyness of life that I miss the life He's longing to give me...and the one He's given me with my children.

Thank you, my little angel, for all you have already taught your mommy. I am so looking forward to all the lessons of life we will learn together. Thank you, God, for allowing me such wonderful children and such a wonderful husband, to take the journey with. Ali-girl: I hope this birthday is only the beginning of another fantastic year ahead! I love you babycakes!!!