Saturday, December 4, 2010

25 Days of Christmas - Day #4

Oh how I LOVE Christmas shopping. Seriously...I love the crowds, the craziness, and the exhaustion that comes from a day full of successful finds for those on my list.

Most anyone can tell you that my Love Language is quality time. I know they say you're "bilingual" - but I'm fairly certain my second love language is also quality time. I do think that if I had to choose a third, giving gifts would be next. I am not a "stuff" person and I need something else to find a place to put and then dust around like I need a hole in my head. If I am on the receiving end, my favorite gifts are things to do to a concert, a restaurant gift certificate (and free childcare) so that I can enjoy a date night with my hubby, etc. Like I said, "quality time".

When it does come to actual physical gifts, you can ask Ryan about my only rule - Christmas (and birthdays for that matter) are for gifts that you do not need and would not otherwise purchase. Do not give a vacuum cleaner for Christmas...unless it's the Dyson pet vacuum. Do not give me a coffee maker...unless it can make me a double shot latte and clean itself when it's done. The items at the top of my list are things that reduce clutter - a Nook to rid myself of books filling up every shelf in my house, Tupperware so I can organize and store things neatly, etc...

But even then, I'd rather give gifts than get them. I love the hunt to find just that perfect thing for the person on my list and then I love to watch their reaction when they open it.

I am trying this year to instill that love of giving in Camden. Before he could make out his list of what he wants to get for Christmas, he had to tell me what he wanted to give for Christmas. We thought of things for Daddy, Alison, Oma, Papa and Granna. We talked about what he might like to give Jay, Luke and Rebecca - the ever growing list of cousins. We added on a few more ideas for a few of his very close (get together multiple times a week to play together) friends and his teachers at school/church. By the time we finished talking about it, he was pretty excited about what we'd thought of together...of course now he's probably going to tell each of these people what they're getting the next time he sees them, but still, he spent some time thinking about giving to others before he thought about all the things he "thinks he needs" for himself. He's even picking out a toy each day (or so) to give to Goodwill in time for them to find a good home with another little boy for Christmas.

But most of all, I have been trying to explain what all of this gift giving is about - that we're celebrating Jesus' birthday! I hope that he will eventually understand that Jesus is the best gift of all!!!

As for Day #4's activity - it was all about the shopping. Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. today Ryan and I got all but 3 of the gifts we need for Christmas - my family, his family, friends, teachers, and even pets. Camden and Alison didn't get to go with us - but they were having much more fun at Mrs. Georgia's house. My dear, sweet friend gave me the gift of "quality time" today by keeping the kids all day so that we could focus on our shopping, enjoy a rare lunch date together and make much better time than if we'd been schlepping two kids in and out at every stop. I am grateful that she has opened her home and her heart to be Camden's "Texas Grandma" - and he couldn't love her more if she was his actual Grandma!

So naughty or nice, the gifts are, if I can just start to love the wrapping, packing and shipping as much as I love the shopping!!!

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