But it's also amazing what you think you will do, what you plan to do, what you say you will never do and then what ends up happening when you're in the driver's seat.
One of the things that I said I would never do - "the bragging competition."
I remember listening to friends, coworkers, acquaintances, etc. go on and on about the amazing accomplishments of their children. It was almost like there was some secret competition going on between them and they couldn't admit they were always trying to "one-up" each other. "My kid is talking...can you believe that...only 9 months old and already quoting Shakespeare." Which would be met with the reply, "That's really amazing (cue the rolling eyes)...my child is doing really well in his Little Gym class. His teacher thinks he'll be ready for the Olympic games in 2016 - he'll be the youngest gymnast in history!" OMG - give me a break!
I had already planned all of my well timed and well rehearsed remarks for when the day came that my conversations included comments like these from other moms.
For example, when Ms. Supermommy decides to inform me how her child only drinks organic juices and looks down her nose at my Juicy Juice juice box, my response will be..."good, they'll wash down those crackers she just ate off the sidewalk quite nicely."
When "Little Joey" is talking up a storm and Camden hasn't said a word, I'll just inform the crowd that he can talk too, he just doesn't want to show off.
And when push comes to shove, I'll just ask the doting mom if she'd just like to arm wrestle for the title "Mother of the Year" and settle it once and for all.
Yes...famous last sarcastic words.
Now that Camden is here and he's doing all of these really cute and amazing things...I totally get it. Not that rolling over is such a big deal when you look at the entire picture of things he'll probably accomplish in his lifetime, but considering all he's done up to this point is lay on his back and stare at the ceiling, rolling over is quite amazing - and I don't mind telling everyone I can about it.
Millie will often lay down in front of him and they just lay there and look at each other. I've got to get a picture of that...
He also makes this hilarious noise with his mouth - it's combination of shrieking and blowing a strawberry and it even makes him laugh when he does it. And that laugh is just intoxicating. I thought the smile was enough to send me over the edge, but that laugh just makes me melt.
He's by no means walking, talking, or even sitting up unassisted quite yet (believe me, if he was you'd have already heard about it and seen pictures posted here) but he is spending every day being the most amazing and adorable kid on the planet.
And yes, I know that all of you other moms just had the knee jerk reaction to "one up" me on that one with thoughts on your kid...and I totally agree - and that's the beauty of it. Because each one of us is so in love with our own kid and know just how amazing they are, we all want the world to know that we are the parent of "the most amazing and adorable kid on the planet." Which means that my child will get to grow up surrounded by all of your wonderful and amazing kids...and that's definitely something to brag about.