Friday, November 7, 2008

A new spin on an old fairy tale

So you've all heard the story about Little Red Riding Hood and how she met up with the big bad wolf with his big ears, his big beady eyes, and his big sharp teeth. Well, this is our new version...
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Once upon a time there was a "not so little 'cause she still needed to lose a good bit of that baby weight, red-headed (not hooded) princess" named Mommy for short. She lived in an enchanted apartment covered with a fine layer of dog hair with her handsome Prince Ryan. Every morning she would get up to spend her day caring for the really big, but not-so-bad, monkey (see pictures from Halloween post if you don't know why he's a monkey) that slept in the bedroom down the hall.

Each morning she would enter the room where the monkey was sleeping and as she would peer over the side of the crib, the monkey would greet her with the biggest smile you can ever imagine...what a great way to start each day.

And, every morning, Mommy would say to the monkey, "My, what big ears you must have gotten those from the Wagoners." The monkey would just keep smiling back at her and think, "Better to hear you and obey you when you ask or tell me to do something every time, every day my entire life long, my dear". (Hey, this is my fairy tale...I can write it with a wishful heart...)

Then Mommy would say, "My, what big, beautiful blue eyes you have!" The monkey would smile again and think, "Better to bat at you when I don't do everything you ask or tell me to do so that I can get away with it, my dear." (Wishful, yes...but I am in touch with reality too...)

And that's usually where the story would end...with a diaper change, outfit for the day, and they'd be on their way...

But this morning, when Mommy looked at those smiles, she saw something she'd never seen before. This morning, Mommy said, "My, what big TEETH you have!" The Monkey just smiled back at Mommy and thought, "Great, bring on the sirloin...that runny baby food crap is disgusting, my dear!"
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Yep, you read it right, Camden has teeth. He's been really cranky the last couple of days and whenever I'd touch his gums to check, he'd pitch a fit so I knew they were sore and that it would only be a matter of time... They are just barely through so, unfortunately for him, the sirloin is still a long time coming. And because they are just barely in and because he won't hold still long enough for me to get a good look, they are too hard to get a picture of. However, I can definitely feel them when he bites me. :o) And even with just a little bit through, it makes him look like a different baby.

For those of you family members that are reading this, I am sure by the time we get home for the holidays they'll be easy to see and will probably accompanied by a few more, but if they are in to the point that I can get a good picture between now and then, I'll make sure to post one (and if I can get said picture, I'll send one to each of the grandparents as soon as I have a chance need to remind me).
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So Mommy spent her day giving the really big, but not-so-bad monkey frozen washcloths to chew on a little Orajel to sooth the pain...and they lived happily ever after.

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