Saturday, September 13, 2008

Through the lips and over the out tummy, here it comes!!!

Today marks a momentous occasion in Camden's otherwise short life...solid foods!!!

Camden really started showing signs this week that he was ready for foods...reaching for my fork while I was eating, wanting to hold his own bottle, watching my every move as I ate, etc. But I wanted to wait until we were back in Dallas so that Daddy could participate. After I returned from NC late last night, we began to prepare ourselves for the big event:

High chair...check
Cute little bowl...check
Ergonomically correct spoon...check
Box o' rice cereal...check
Warm formula to mix in...check
Video camera charged and ready...check
Millie on standby to clean up messes...check and double check...

By the time we got everything set up and ready, Camden was beyond waiting on us. As soon as I tried to start feeding him, he wanted to wrestle the spoon away from me and do it himself...Mr. Independent rears his little head!

I held on to the spoon for the most part and he actually did a pretty good job. Most of the food went in his mouth. What didn't make it there was mainly b/c I did give in and let him have the spoon every now and then - when I did, he would bang it on the high chair tray to notify me that he would like something more on that spoon, and what little cereal that remained on it would go flying...but, as you can see from the checklist, we did have Millie on standby and luckily she seems to like rice cereal almost as much as Camden does.

Here are a couple of videos to show how things went. The first gives you a taste of what we heard from Camden if I didn't get the spoon reloaded quick enough...

Yummy yum!!! from Mandy Jo on Vimeo.

The second is a little clip of Millie getting in on the action. She was more than willing to clean up those hands for him - which he thoroughly enjoyed. I think she would have been thrilled if we let her clean up his face...but I should probably draw the line somewhere.

Millie gets in on the action from Mandy Jo on Vimeo.

Since taking the video and getting it set up to post, we've now had lunch and Daddy did that feeding. He did a better job than I did of getting it all in Cam-man's mouth and Camden became a member of the "clean plate club" - although one look at our little chunk-a-muffin and you'll see why we didn't anticipate eating being a problem for him!

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