We started getting ready as though we were going to the 9 a.m. service figuring that would get us to the 10:30 service on time. I made sure to work in feedings so that I'd feed him right before we left and then wouldn't have to do it again until we got home...things were going great. I even remembered to wait and dress him in his first outfit for church (see photo above) after we'd done all the feeding and diapering...I really am getting the hang of this!
We packed everything we thought we could possibly need for the 1 1/2 hour excursion in the diaper bag (extra diapers, clothes, wipes, etc.), loaded up the car seat and headed down the road. Halfway there, Ryan (who's driving) realizes that he doesn't have his wallet or his watch...which he never leaves home without. We decide it's not worth going back for, since we're already running that 5 minutes late, and that I will just drive home. We get to church, find a great parking spot, and head into the worship center. This is when I realize that neither one of us have our Bibles with us. Of course, Camden slept through the entire service and I spent the entire service struggling not to join him (not that the service wasn't engaging...I just haven't slept a lot lately and it was nice and quiet in the worship center...).
Our 1 1/2 hour excursion ran longer than expected since everyone we knew wanted to see Camden and ask how delivery/coming home/learning to be parents was going. By the time we got home, he was hungry and in desperate need of a diaper change, but all in all, we survived.
On the heels of this success and feeling brave and adventurous, I have since been out to the mall on my own. It was almost weird to push a stroller through the aisles of Dillards...and I never realized how narrow they were until I tried to do so. I have also braved the aisles of Target and have been out to lunch with a friend. Ryan and I even went out for dinner with some friends Friday night.
Camden is such a great baby. He rarely fusses and when he does, it's only because he needs something (a diaper change, to be fed, a little lovin' from one of us) but other than that, he just hangs out with us, content as can be. During the day he naps a little but mostly just lays next to us and looks around at the world. And since he does such a good job at staying awake during the day, he's sleeping great at night - once he even slept almost seven hours straight - but that was only because his mommy slept through the alarm she set so she'd wake up and feed him (oops). While I felt guilty about him missing a feeding, I was really well rested the next day and that was probably good for him in the long run too.
My mom, his Oma, is coming to visit tomorrow, his Granna Jane is coming the following week, and then Oma is coming back again with Papa so I am sure there'll be lots to write about while they're here and lots of pictures to post. Until then...
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