Thursday, May 21, 2009

Making it Easy

My child loves me...and he wants me to be happy. He knows the anxiety I've been feeling about leaving him next week and he's taken it upon himself to make it easier for me to go...

Today I put Camden in the Mother's Day Out program at our church from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. He normally naps early in the morning (around 10:30ish) and then again around 2 or so. Since he was at MDO, he got off his typical schedule by having just one nap around 12:30. Knowing that he'd be rotten this evening without another nap, I gave him a banana and some chocolate milk around 4:30 and decided to put him down for a late afternoon snooze. Since he'd managed to get banana everywhere but in his mouth, I left his sticky banana covered shorts off after his diaper change and I stuck him in the crib with just his t-shirt and diaper on.

About 10 til 6 I hear him stirring and when I open the door to his room I am met with the foulest of smells. Today is trash day which means the diapers in the DiaperGenie have been there for several days so I didn't think much of it. I continue into his room, turn on the lamp, and there stands my sweet little angel...naked from the waist down. I walk over to the crib where I find an enormous steamy pile of poop right in the middle of his bed. To make matters worse, as I go over to lift him out of the crib to keep the poop from getting anywhere it isn't already, I promise you, he looked straight into my eyes, smiled, and then peed through the slats on the crib rail all over the carpet below.

Once it's all contained and we've moved on to another snack, I call Ryan - who I actually been on the phone with when I discovered the pile of poo and immediately hung up on - to tell him that everything's okay and that I was sorry to drop his call like that. I proceed to tell him all that's just transpired...complete with a change of diaper, clothes, changing pad, sheets, blankets and all...and I get no sympathy - I can barely get the story told from having to wait for him to stop laughing so he can hear the next part. All Ryan had to say was that this one is even better than the one from June 2nd of last year - if you haven't read it, it's pretty good too. And I have to's events were pretty funny.

I am just so thankful to have a child that is willing to go the extra mile in order to make it easier for me to leave him here with his Granna for a week. I'm pretty sure I'm ready for a vacation!

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