Friday, January 28, 2011


For those of you that know me well (okay, you don't have to know me that well to know this) you know I am a planner. I love to have things mapped out...whether its a route to a destination or a time line for preparing for something...I have to have a plan. I like for others whose plans affect my plans to make me aware of their plans so that I can plan accordingly. I am also that person that freaks out when plans change and I don't know about it early enough to plan an alternate plan. Blame it on the first-born, type A, anal retentive personality...but I am what I am.

However, I had a realization today. Let me back up and give you some insight on to how this realization occurred. Here's a typical, pretty much daily conversation between Camden and myself:

Me: Good morning, sunshine Camden!
C: Good morning, sunshine Mommy! What are we going to do first today?

Me: We're going to eat breakfast.
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: We're going to get dressed for our day.
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: We're going to (insert activity) - paint, play fire trucks, run errands, go to school, etc.
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: We're going to (insert another activity)
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: We're going to have lunch.
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: We're going to watch a show, then you're going to take a nap.
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: We're going to (insert another activity)
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: I am going to strap you in a chair and force you to not speak for 2 hours.
C: What are we going to do after that?

Me: Why do you always have to know what is going on?

This is where my "ah ha moment" occurs. It's because you are my son and you are becoming just like me. And...I have to do something about this before it gets out of control!

I mean really? Is this what I sound like? Not that I think I can (or want to) do much about it - after 34 years of being like doesn't look hopeful for things to change. But hopefully I have realized it early enough to steer Camden clear of the hyper-planning path he was headed down.

So now, when I get the dreaded, "What are we going to do after that" question, my answer to him is, "I don't know, we'll have to wait and see..." Although, if he's asking about anything in the next 48-72 hours, trust me, I have it all planned out.